How to find a great combination of coffee brewer and grinder



Everyone loves morning coffee, but a lot of times wonder why our coffee doesn’t taste like the great cups we get at the coffee shops. Thankfully, the below article will provide you some tips on how to make your homemade coffee taste just as good or better!

No matter how attached you are to your favorite blend, don’t be afraid to try a new variety. You don’t need to invest in a large bag to try out something new. Almost all brands will offer a single pot or sampler size to allow you to try out new flavors.

Have you ever tried drinking ice cold coffee or cappuccino? This is a good way to get the caffeine you need while drinking a refreshing beverage. You can either use instant coffee, mix it in cold water and add some ice or put some coffee grounds in a fine filter and place it in a glass of cold water.

The price of ground coffee has increased considerably over the past year, and even if you grind it yourself, the coffee beans have also increased in price. Sometimes the less expensive coffee tastes just as good as the higher priced brands, but it may take some trial and error to find one you like.

Avoid storing your coffee in the freezer. The extreme temperatures of the freezer will destroy the oils in the coffee. Instead, drink what you have or buy smaller amounts of coffee. If you do not buy too much coffee, you will not need to worry about storing it for an extended period of time.

Rinse off your coffee filter before placing it inside of the coffee maker. The coffee filters may have fibers or plastic on them when you take them out of the plastic packaging. If you leave these items on the filter, they will end up in your coffee when it brews.

To get a stronger and more flavorful cup of coffee, consider investing in a French press. French presses produce optimal brews because they extract more oil from the beans. Filters have a tendency of removing those oils that are rich in flavor.

To ensure that your coffee stays fresh as long as possible, avoid grinding all your beans at once. Once ground, heat and humidity will rob your coffee of the fragrant oils that provide much of its flavor. Instead, only grind the amount of coffee you will use for a day or two. Doing so will help you maximize the flavor of your beans.

While looking at the different types of grinders available, remember that conical or flat grindings burrs are the best. The heat is minimized when using these grinders. This makes your coffee taste good. Grinders with blades can be inconsistant. They heat up too much and can ruin the flavor of the coffee.

As you read in this article, it can be difficult to consistently make coffee that compares to Starbucks if you do not know how. Use the tips you’ve learned here to improve your coffee making skills and enjoy your morning brew that much more.